Thursday, September 16, 2010

HOW TO FIX YOUR HANDSTAND..From banana 2 straight

This is a very common mistake when doing a handstand and is do to a lack of technique and Of Course and I'm going to repeat this forever..BC body-conditioning. This could be easily fix with some set of dishes and planks. But this is for another post.
I'm telling you now my friend, don't get into this lazy habit of doing a banana handstand if you ever want to do more than a simple handstand. Tackle it right from the beginning...fix it quick. The longer your live it the harder will be to correct.
OK, this is my quick tip for you!
To go from banana shape handstand to straight handstand you have to start by doing 3 things gradually at the same time.
1. Tuck your head in.
2. push the floor hard with your shoulders..get them as close to your ears as possible.
3. Bring your legs to the straight position starting from your toes.

PS: take your time, feel every movement, be aware of every thing that is going on at the same time...i know is a lot to take in, but hand balancing is about feeling, control, readjustment, concentration and enjoyment!
Go 4 it!!!


  1. Great advice again!! I will keep that in mind when i start practicing handstand. I am now working on conditioning my core and shoulders before i even attempt to get into a handstand. My body is not ready yet. Thank you again.


  2. Well done my friend! you are doing the right way. As conditioning is the base for Acro or for any sport.thanks for comment!
    Here 2 Help!!!

  3. I can do a very strict 3 minute hollow body hold, lower back sticking to floor, but I'm still having a hard time keeping my back straight in a handstand. I'm 6'1" 205 so handstands are more of a challenge than for the person with a lower center of gravity. Your help is appreciated.
